The Ultimate Spot Color Labeling Script For Illustrator

This simple script will save you hours upon hours when creating and labeling your artwork for screen printing.  

And it is so easy to use.  


Being a high volume screen print production shop we are always looking for new ways to automate time consuming tasks.

So we created this script that saves hundreds of hours a year.

It also works great at finding duplicate colors in artboards which causes issues when printing to direct to screen machines.

Just click on the script, assign how many screens are in each design (including base screens) and just like that you have all your spot colors assigned. 

It works with illustrator CC and also works with placed photoshop files.  

You will pay for this tool in the first two hours of using it.  

Your creative team will love you for it and wonder why you haven’t had this all along.  

The script works with multiple artboards as pictured above.  

Take a look at the video below and see just how quick easy this tool is to use.



And just like that all your screens are labeled.

No more typing screen labels.

No more color coding labels to match the ink colors.

Art file and screen count is labeled on every screen in registration color.

Get this tool now for only $89.95

->  Only $49.95 Today – Save $40.00  <-

Your script will be delivered immediately.